The placement will end soon, I guess I will start missing my boss and my clients soon, haha. Today is my big day - the last day of my "play" group. Its really touching when I get the farewell surprise from those big guys (my clientsssss)

Guess what.............. they suddenly take out the guitar and electronic piano, and play + sing a song for me, hohoho! So GING!
posted by Pandaheidi @ 25.4.07  
  • At 12:31 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said…

    baby, I really think that you have put lots of time and effort in your 4th placement. Your clients would definitely know your heart!!! Your really did a great job ar!!! ***BIG APPLAUSE***

  • At 4:38 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said…

    Heidi, 你好叻呀! 你將來肯定係一個好得client歡心嘅CP! 加油加油!


  • At 1:56 下午, Blogger jojoju said…

    cool ah~~ it's so heart warming indeed!!! well.. guessing what song did they sing to you lei... haha~~

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Name: Pandaheidi
About Me: 11月26日﹝土星‧正義﹞代表人物: 蒂娜透納 注重創意和個人的成就,既富理想又現實;一方面喜歡無拘無束、自由自在,另方面 則喜歡腳踏實地、按部就班,內心很矛盾。 優點是創造力豐富,能實現理想;富有正義感,喜愛朋友。缺點是常常猶疑不決,無法作決定,感情方面尤其如此。
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